Today it is four weeks since I left home and started cycling
with my goal very clear for me; I was going to cycle around the world. But to
be honest, even during the first day I started having doubts about what I have
gotten myself into. The entire first week I was struggling with many thoughts
about if this was really what I wanted to do. But I felt I had invested so much
into this project and that I needed to keep pushing on. Because I had read
about other cyclists saying that it is hardest in the beginning. And looking
back at that now I can definitely say that it really was hardest in the
beginning. After the first week I got more into the lifestyle of being out on
the road like this and the closer I got to the border the more I felt like I
really wanted to do this. But what I have learned is to set smaller goals along
the way, which was probably by biggest problem in the beginning. I was so focused
on cycling around the world and once I started it was hard to get a grip of the
vastness of the whole project.

But now four weeks into it everything feels great. The
weather had gotten wormer and there are a lot more new things to see when
cycling through different countries then it was when I went through Sweden. And
I’m taking things slower now, when going through Sweden I just wanted to get
through it but now I want to stop to see and experience things.
Today I took a “day off” at a camp site in Karlsminde. The
only bike trip I took was into Eckenförde for lunch and to look around the cozy
Riktigt bra skägg, keep it up!