tisdag 27 november 2012

Settling in Athens

When leaving Patra I was eager to get to Athens. I have been setting small goals for myself, after a rough start my first goal was to make it out of Sweden after that it was to get to the Adriatic Sea. My third goal was Greece and Athens where I planned to stop for a little while.
So cycling from Patra to Athens I just wanted to get there, and it felt nice to stop for a while since the longest I had been in one place was three nights in Tirana. To begin with the ride towards Athens was nice along the cost and the landscape was flatter than it had been in a while, so I was able to get some distance on the bike. But when I got closer there was less and less nature and mostly towns to cycle trough which I don’t like so much. After a night in a park area by the sea I had about 120 km left to Athens. I didn’t want to cycle in to the city that day because it would have gotten dark by the time I got there. So the plan was to stop when I found a nice place not too far from Athens. But I had problem to find a place to camp and after passing an area with oil refineries and realizing I was only about 20 km from the city I set up my tent not far from the road once it had begun to darken. On Sunday morning there was some kind of market along the road where I had slept so I got a few strange looks when I came out of the woods with my bike.

 It was nice to cycle in in the morning and having all the time in the world to find my way to the hostel. And I’m glad I didn’t cycle in when it was getting dark because it was crazy enough on a bike in Athens in broad daylight. But I eventually found the hostel and took the rest of the day to just relax and settle in.
Yesterday I went to see Acropolis which is a must if you are in Athens. It was really nice but I think my expectation was maybe too high and when they are restoring old ruins the feeling at the sight isn’t as genuine. But I still enjoyed it and the view of Athens from Acropolis was amazing.
I haven’t decided how long I’m going to stay here, but I think at least two weeks. I’m in no hurry since I don’t plan to cycle through central Asia in the winter and having 15-20 degrees here in Greece isn’t too bad.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Det är spännande att följa din resa. Hur går det med den inre resan? Efter att ha passerat nästan hela Europa måste du ändå fått en försmak för hur stor världen är och vad det kostar (och betalar sig) att cykla genom hela länder. Känns projektet fortfarande lika lockande och genomförbart eller rent av mer nu än tidigare?
    //Daniel Carlsson

  2. Hej Daniel.
    Den inre resan går bra den med. Som mycket annat så går det upp och ner och det är inte varje dag man har solsken och vinden i ryggen. Men man får påminna sig själv hur lyckligt lottad man är som leva ut sin dröm. Trots några tuffa dagar ibland så har resan varit helt fantastisk. Otroliga upplevelser, massor av intryck och alla fantastiska människor jag mött längst vägen. Jag är väldigt inspirerad att fortsätta den här resan och efter en lugnare period nu väntar den del jag sett fram emot mest av allt. Asien=)
