I started early on Sunday morning and after a little tour through
Helsingborg I got on the ferry around noon. When on the ferry I could see the
dark clouds closing in and I was just hoping it wouldn’t rain much. But almost immediately
after I got off the ferry it started raining. A found a good place under a big
tree where I stopped for lunch and waited out the rain. After that I continued
down the beautiful costal road. I didn’t plan on cycling to Copenhagen that day
so I found a great place for the tent near a lake about 30 km from Copenhagen.
But after I had settled in it started raining again, and this time it the sky
really opened up. So I put on rain clothes and a umbrella and started waiting
out the rain. But after about an hour of constant rain I decided to get on the
bike again and find somewhere else to sleep for the night. When I had cycled
for a little while and got a little higher up I could see a little opening in
the gray sky and decided to go. So after I had my dinner in the rain the
weather changed and I put up my tent and had a great night sleep. I guess I’m
lucky that way, I can sleep almost anywhere and once I’m asleep I rarely wake up
during the night.
The next day the sun was shining and I cycled on in to
Copenhagen and had a great day with some sightseeing around the city, and it is
a beautiful and most important great cycling roads. Today I ended up at a camping
site south of Copenhagen and tomorrow I’m going west towards
Heja Samuel. Lycka till. Kram från oss på MORÖHALLEN. Skicka ett vykort nån gång./BELLA